Holotropic Breathwork is meant to activate your natural capacity for healing. Holotropic breathing is said to facilitate mental, spiritual, and physical healing benefits.

The goal of this technique is to help you make improvements to your psychological and spiritual development.

This therapeutic breathwork technique is unique in that it incorporates a curated playlist of music to assist and accompany this breathing practice that is intended to help with emotional healing and personal growth.

Improved self-awareness and a more positive outlook on life are some benefits of it’s potential.

Holotropic Breathwork invites you to connect with your true nature and spirit, as well as connect more authentically with others and the natural world by moving beyond the body and ego.

Holotropic breathing may be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:
• Depression
• Stress
• Addiction
• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
• Migraine Headaches
• Chronic Pain
• Avoidance Behaviors
• Asthma
• Premenstrual Tension


Consult with your medical provider before practicing this type of breathing if you have, or have a history of:

● Cardiovascular disease
● Angina
● Asthma
● Heart attack
● High blood pressure
● Glaucoma
● Retinal detachment
● Osteoporosis
● Recent injury or surgery
● Any conditions for which you take regular medications
● History of panic attacks, psychosis
● Severe mental illnesses
● Seizure disorders
● Family history of aneurisms
● Pregnancy